This is what i have learned about "EARTH DAY"i know who invented earth day his name is"GAYLORD NELSON".Earth day is all about taking care about earth and celebrating earth.I also know when it was invented it was invented in April,22 1970.The stuff i do to help the earth is not waste that much energy and never pollute because if we pollute is going to affect the earth very bad and also the water.Also what i could to to help is "REDUCE,REUSE,RECYCLE does are the tree R's that could help the earth.What i do at school to help is recycle and we also have a compose and we reuse like if there was a piece of paper we could use both of the sides.At home i always recycle and i trow the trash is so post to go i don't trow in the ground because it could fly away and go into the river and that would be polluting.