A contribution I do for our community is to recycle more often and also to take care of our world because if we don't take care of it all the plants are going to die the animals are going to die and then we would die.And another thing that hurts our world is the smoke that comes out of our car's.And when i grow up I'm planing to use a car that you put water in it or that takes solar energy.And a goal I'm tinking of doing is to put solar panels in every house so that way we wont waste that much electricity.And another goal i have in mind is to cut less trees because trees gives us oxygen so we could breath and live and we give them carbon dioxide so they could live.And if they cut all the trees we wouldn't be able to live cause we wouldn't have enough oxygen.And everything i wrote is important to us and our world.And when i go to college i want to study about the earth and be a football player.And i think studding the earth is going to help because i would understand more about the earth and i would help it better.
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